Sunday, November 14, 2010

Help Somebody If Ya Can

The more I thought about yesterday's post, I thought about another cool way to spread some positivity around to others.

Charity Vault is a website that specializes in locating local and national charities. It's an awesome way to give back to the community, as you're able to sort through hundreds of organizations located in your own area.

Of course, money is only one of a few ways to help. Most organizations have information on how to volunteer time or used goods such as toys, books, or eye glasses.

Remember, charity is as simple as helping a complete stranger. You never know how just one good deed could affect someone's life. It'll make you feel good, and it's simple acts of kindness like these that make the world a better place.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.

Most people don't realize the impact that negativity can have on their daily lives. Nobody wants to be around someone who pisses and moans all the time about how life has them down. You've got to learn to make opportunity out of misfortune. If everyone sat around feeling sorry for themselves all day, humanity would be in a pretty pitiful state of affairs. You'd be surprised at how much a positive person can impact their environment.

That's not to say it isn't a challenge. Everywhere you look, negativity abounds, but you have to make yourself smile and be grateful for the things you have. Life, family, friends, health.. It may sound stereotypical, but it's a simple truth.

A positive mindset is the first step towards happiness and ultimately, success. If you can stay positive regardless of the circumstances, good things are bound to happen.